SpectraRead is a program for data acquisition of devices that generate XY data, ex spectrometers, oscilloscopes… It has peak detection and baseline removal algorithms. It can be used for high speed acquisitions and support for devices can be added easily with plugins written in Python (no need to change spectraread code, just copy plugin to spectrometer_modules folder).
The GUI uses GTK3, support is currently just for Linux.
- Add support for devices easily with plugins written in Python (no need to change spectraread code, just copy plugin to spectrometer_modules folder)
- Select Plugin on runtime
- Baseline removal
- Boxcar
- Peak position fit
- Save single/multiple spectra/peaks position data
- Parallel processing/ very fast
- Linear/ Log scale for viewing
- Baseline subtract/ Scope/ Absorbance/ Transmitance mode
- Zoom/ autoscale
- Dark theme support
- Get data on real time on another process using shared memory (fastmmapmq)
- Peak position monitor
Current plugins:
- ArduinoOsciloscope (Arduino data acquisition demo - osciloscope, check https://git.luisvmf.com/Spectraread-Plugins/ArduinoOsciloscope/firmware for arduino code)
- Demo (Just generates fake data for test);
- imon256-v6
Distributions with apt (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint), for tested distributions versions, check here:
Add repository:
sudo apt-get install curl gpg
echo "deb http://packages.luisvmf.com/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/luisvmf.com.list
curl -fsSL https://luisvmf.com/pgp-key.public | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/luisvmfcom.gpg > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install luisvmf.com-spectraread
Install required plugins:
sudo apt-get install luisvmf.com-spectraread-demoplugin
sudo apt-get install luisvmf.com-spectraread-imonv6plugin
sudo apt-get install luisvmf.com-spectraread-arduinoosciloscope
Now spectraread should be available on menu.
Requirements to run spectraread (should be enabled by default on recent distributions):
procfs mounted with support for /proc/pid/fd
x86_64 Linux Kernel with user namespace support:
One of the folowing (depending on distribution):
/proc/sys/kernel/userns_restrict is zero
sysctl user.max_user_namespaces larger than 10
sudo sysctl -w kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1
/dev/shm mounted
Building from source:
It is recommended to install from apt repository as above. To build from source:
git clone https://git.luisvmf.com/Namespace
cd Namespace
cp nstest ../nstest
cd ..
Get demo containner: https://github.com/luisvmf/Namespace/releases/tag/2 file Runtime-build.tar and extract
cd Runtime
git clone https://git.luisvmf.com/SpectraRead
cd ..
./nstest Runtime/ 1 1 1 1 /bin/bash
Now inside container:
mkdir $HOME
cd SpectraRead
Now spectraread should open, but there are no devices to select on device combobox
Clone plugins from Spectraread-Plugins repository and build (if required), inside source/spectrometer_modules folder.
Folder debfile contains directory structure for creating .deb package. It requires package luisvmf.com-runtimelibs which puts contents of https://github.com/luisvmf/Namespace/releases/tag/2 file Runtime-run.tar on /usr/lib/luisvmf.com-Runtimelibs (/usr/lib/luisvmf.com-Runtimelibs/Runtime).
- Plugins development docs
- Peaks Gui
- Not Working if path name of install folder is too big, probably because of fastmmapmq.
- Generic plugin